martes, 6 de septiembre de 2016

"Smell me", "Smell you later

"Of the five senses, sight and hearing are privileged in artistic endeavours, with touch, smell and taste often relatively disavowed. “Olfactory art” – art concerned with smell – is currently a relatively minor field."

Olfactory art makes scents – and who nose where it might lead us?

"It’s taking the nude self-portrait to the next level of intimacy, I wanted to create something completely visceral without any visuals — and that could only be experienced through the primary, primal senses."(Martynka Wawrzyniak)

"I was considering non-traditional ways in which artworks and audience experiences could create potent and celebratory festival memories. Scent and memory have long been known to be intertwined – the olfactory bulb is next to the limbic system, which houses long-term memory and emotion, which is why we can catch a whiff of campfire smoke and be instantly transported back to a childhood camping trip in quite a startling and immediate way."

Smell me

Smell Me Artist Transforms Body Odor Into Olfactory Self-Portrait

Smell Me, 2012

Smell you later

Smell You Later Grace Gamage & Olivia O’Donnell and Bill Noonan, curated by Katie Lenanton


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